South Puget Sound Habitat offers eligible and qualified buyers the opportunity to own a Habitat home.
This is real homeownership. Habitat homeowners own their homes, pay a monthly mortgage, pay property taxes and homeowner’s insurance, repair and maintain their homes, and most importantly, earn equity and build wealth.
Program Eligibility
What’s Next?
Once you’ve completed and submitted the online Program Preview Form our Habitat homeownership program staff will reach out to you with more information. Please know that at certain times of the year, the number of requests we receive could mean it may take up to 48 hours to hear from us.
Wait – I can’t do an application now?
Not always – the application process is only available based on the timeline for the next available build cycle. What we are building now and when the application process could start are listed below:
What are we building now?
Already own a home and need
critical repairs?